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European Commission Opens In-Depth Investigation into Possible Collusion Between German Car Manufacturers on Clean Emission Technology

Competition Law | Articles

European Commission Opens In-Depth Investigation into Possible Collusion Between German Car Manufacturers on Clean Emission Technology

On 18 September 2018, the European Commission ("EC") opened a full-fledged investigation regarding the possible collusion between the German car manufacturers, BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche known as the "Circle of Five". It will be examined whether these manufacturers entered into illegal agreements concerning the technological development of passenger cars, which may have denied consumers the opportunity to buy less polluting cars, despite the technology being available to the manufacturers.

Turkish Competition Authority Brings Halt to Credit Card Information Storage Services Provided by the Subsidiary of Well-Established Banks

Competition Law | Articles

Turkish Competition Authority Brings Halt to Credit Card Information Storage Services Provided by the Subsidiary of Well-Established Banks

Bankalararası Kart Merkezi A.Ş. ("BKM") is a corporation and association of undertakings founded by 13 banks. Non-shareholding members such as banks and payment and electronic money institutions are also among the members of BKM. BKM is permitted to operate as a payment system operator under Law No. 6493 and activities of BKM other than system operations are subject to permission of Central Bank of Republic of Turkey ("TCMB") pursuant to the Regulation regarding Activities of Payment and Security Conformity Systems. BKM's activities includes authentication, swap and settlement, online payment solutions, digital wallet services and credit card information storage.

Amazon's Dual Role of Merchant and Platform Under Antitrust Scrutiny in the EU

Competition Law | Articles

Amazon's Dual Role of Merchant and Platform Under Antitrust Scrutiny in the EU

Amazon embraced a business model which places innovation, accessibility and customer satisfaction at its core and its current position indicates that it probably is the best company in the world in terms of implementing this model. According to most, the extraordinary growth and great commercial success of Amazon is mainly due to its focus on value creation rather than revenue, and its ability to identify and satisfy customer expectations even before such expectations are explicitly manifested.

Google is Under the Spotlight Once Again

Competition Law | Articles

Google is Under the Spotlight Once Again

In August, President Donald Trump criticised technology firms including Google, Facebook and Twitter claiming that they could "represent a very antitrust situation". He tweeted that Google's news search function favoured liberal over conservative outlets, without adducing any evidence. The allegations about Google went on through the Twitter account of President Trump, where it was argued that Google censors search results and controls what people could see, read and learn. It was further argued Google presented "rigged search results". Google stated that the searching tools are designed to show the most similar results based on the users' search and the results are not biased or political

Export Revenues Must Now be Brought in Turkey: Introduced by the Communiqué on the Protection of the Value of Turkish Lira

International Trade | Articles

Export Revenues Must Now be Brought in Turkey: Introduced by the Communiqué on the Protection of the Value of Turkish Lira

Turkish Lira (TRY) has been alarmingly losing its value for the last couple of months. Indeed, it lost well over 70% of its value against, for instance, US Dollar. While the predictions about the consequences of the "currency crisis" that erupted in Turkey continue to be made, Turkish businesses called for ensuring the stability of the exchange rates. In this regard, the Turkish government has been working on the potential solutions to overcome the currency fluctuation mainly resulting from the tension between the US and Turkey.

New or Old-Fashioned Approach for the Market Definition: Turkish Competition Authority’s TveK/D&R Decision

Competition Law | Articles

New or Old-Fashioned Approach for the Market Definition: Turkish Competition Authority’s TveK/D&R Decision

On August 27, 2018, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) announced that it had unanimously cleared the acquisition of one of the largest retailers of various products such as books, periodicals, music, electronics, accessories, video games and toys (“D&R”) by another retailer & wholesaler of the relevant products (“TveK”)

Recent Presidential Decrees Made Some Changes to the Turkish Trade Regulation

International Trade | Articles

Recent Presidential Decrees Made Some Changes to the Turkish Trade Regulation

The Turkish President's decrees published on 10 August 2018 amended various provisions concerning customs matters. Below will be sketched the measures (i) establishing additional duties against imports of wall paper and wall coatings, (ii) lowering the customs duty rates on some agricultural products, and (iii) modifying the list of countries eligible to Turkey's generalised system of preferences.

Multilateral Trading System Under Strain: The U.S. and Turkish Measures May Hit Trade Between the Two Countries

International Trade | Articles

Multilateral Trading System Under Strain: The U.S. and Turkish Measures May Hit Trade Between the Two Countries

The recent political tensions between the United States of America ("U.S.") and Turkey have affected in a significant way the trade relations between the two countries in a context of already heated global trade environment (some even describe it as a trade war).

New Exemptions from the Registration Obligation within the Scope of Turkish Data Protection Rules

Data Protection | Articles

New Exemptions from the Registration Obligation within the Scope of Turkish Data Protection Rules

Similar with what was experienced following the establishment of the Turkish Competition Authority, the Turkish Data Protection Authority ("DPA") has also been working very hard to ensure the establishment of a fair and equitable practice regarding the data protection regime for all relevant stakeholders. In this regard, the DPA has recently granted new exemptions to the registration obligation of the data controllers as regulated under Article 16/2 of the Law No. 6698 on Personal Data Protection) and the Regulation on Data Controller Registry.

Turkey's Personal Data Protection Board Released Three New Decisions

Data Protection | Articles

Turkey's Personal Data Protection Board Released Three New Decisions

The Turkish data protection legislation has become one of the hot topics since its announcement in the Official Gazette in 2016. This has not only raised the question for the companies how to minimize the risks of non-compliance thus to reduce the possibility to be fined, but also lead to some controversies with regard to its both substantive and procedural parts.

TCA Orders Translation Federations to Stop Publishing Price Lists in Turkey

Competition Law | Articles

TCA Orders Translation Federations to Stop Publishing Price Lists in Turkey

The Turkish Competition Authority ("TCA") has issued a warning to Certified Translation Federation ("TURÇEF") and Federation of International Translators and Translation Agencies ("TUÇEF") with its decision dated 3 May 2018 to stop publishing recommended price lists. The decision has revealed that the practices of the industrial associations are still on top of its priorities and the TCA carries on its conservative approach to such practices of associations consisting of competing companies.

Individual Exemption by the Turkish Competition Authority to the Cooperation between One of the Largest Retailers and Mobile App

Competition Law | Articles

Individual Exemption by the Turkish Competition Authority to the Cooperation between One of the Largest Retailers and Mobile App

The products and services surrounding mobile phones (e.g. mobile apps, browsers, search engines) have already proved to be a separate marketing tool for undertakings. This has triggered and created new challenges for competition law enforcement


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