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Bilgi Üniversitesi Kariyer Günleri-2019

Competition Law | News

Bilgi Üniversitesi Kariyer Günleri-2019

Bilgi Üniversitesi Kariyer Günleri kapsamında Bilgi Ünv. mezunu Mustafa Ayna, Hukuk Fakültesi öğrencileri ile sohbet toplantısı gerçekleştirdi. Öğrencilere ACTECON'daki çalışma alanlarına ve ofise dair bilgi verdi. Ayrıca iş yaşamında genç avukatlardan beklentilerimizi aktardı.

Turkish Data Protection Authority Announced Data Leakage of a Dutch Bank

Data Protection | Articles

Turkish Data Protection Authority Announced Data Leakage of a Dutch Bank

Under Article 12/5 of the Turkish Data Protection Law, the data controllers are obliged to inform the Turkish Data Protection Authority ("DPA") in case the personal data processed on their behalf is acquired by others unlawfully.

Strict Standard of Proof in Anti-Dumping Investigations

International Trade | Articles

Strict Standard of Proof in Anti-Dumping Investigations

On 3 October 2018, the Plenary Session of Tax Law Divisions of the Turkish Council of State issued its judgment reversing two decisions of the 7th Circuit of the Council of State ("7th Circuit")1, which annulled the communiqué of the Turkish Ministry of Trade ("Turkish Ministry") on the imposition of anti-dumping measures on certain US-originating kraft papers.

Who's Who Legal 2019-World's Leading Competition Lawyers 2019

Competition Law | News

Who's Who Legal 2019-World's Leading Competition Lawyers 2019

ACTECON proudly announces, its managing partner Mr. Bahadır BALKI has once again been selected by Global Competition Review and Who's Who Legal as one of the “World’s leading Competition Lawyers” in 2019. Mr. BALKI has been listed in Who’s Who Legal as a World’s leading competition lawyer since 2015. We are grateful for the invaluable support of our clients and colleagues in the selection and nomination process. ACTECON is committed to competition law since its founding 16 years ago. As a result of this commitment, our expertise is acknowledged by the worldwide leading Competition Law research groups. Thanks again to all the contributors.

DPA Announces the Procedure to be Taken by Companies in Cases of Data Breaches

Data Protection | Articles

DPA Announces the Procedure to be Taken by Companies in Cases of Data Breaches

Article 12 of the Turkish Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("Turkish Data Protection Law") entitled "Obligations Regarding Data Security" deals with the obligations of the data controller.

Uygulamalı Rekabet Hukuku Seminerleri 2019 bahar dönemi

Competition Law | News

Uygulamalı Rekabet Hukuku Seminerleri 2019 bahar dönemi

Uygulamalı Rekabet Hukuku Seminerleri 2019 bahar dönemi programı, Bilgi Üniversitesi Santral İstanbul Kampüsünde,19 Şubat'ta başlıyor! Yönetici ortağımız Av. Bahadır Balkı ve kıdemli avukatımız Barış Yüksel, "21 Yıllık Rekabet Hukuku Uygulamasında Esastan İptal Edilen İlk Kartel Cezası: Ege Bölgesi Çimento Kararı-Mahkemenin Uyumlu Eyleme Dair İktisadi Yaklaşımının Analizi" konulu sunumu gerçekleştirecekler.

DPA's Decision on the Statute of Limitations for the Complaints

Data Protection | Articles

DPA's Decision on the Statute of Limitations for the Complaints

The Turkish Data Protection Authority ("DPA") published on 13.02.2019 a decision clarifying the statute of limitations for the complaints to be lodged to the DPA in cases where a data processor rejects a data subject's request as to his or her personal data or does not respond at all within 30 days.

ELSA International Summit on Competition Law 2019 İstanbul

Competition Law | News

ELSA International Summit on Competition Law 2019 İstanbul

We proudly announce that ACTECON is the main sponsor of ELSA International Summit on Competition Law that takes place on 10-16 February 2019 in Istanbul. The Summit is the biggest ELSA event in Europe. Over 100 participants from Europe’s law faculties are going to attend lectures on Competition law by ACTECON’s attorneys in collaboration with 2 prominent academicians.

A Preference for Structural Remedies over Behavioural Remedies

Competition Law | Articles

A Preference for Structural Remedies over Behavioural Remedies

Turkish Competition Authority ("TCA") had granted a conditional clearance to transaction concerning acquisition of MARDAŞ, which is a port operator in the Marmara Region, by LİMAR that is under control of Arkas Group1, which has joint control over MARPORT.

No Price Fixing in the Baby Food Products Market

Competition Law | Articles

No Price Fixing in the Baby Food Products Market

In February 2019, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) released the public version of its decision with regard to its preliminary inquiry against the undertakings producing and/or selling baby food products. Contrary to the price fixing allegations, the TCA found that the concerned undertakings did not breach Article 4 of the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition (“Competition Law ”) and thus held not to initiate a full-fledged investigation.

Potential Trade Remedy Investigations In Turkey

International Trade | Articles

Potential Trade Remedy Investigations In Turkey

While the trade war triggered by the US and the corresponding conservative approaches adopted by almost all of most importing countries still continue, the Turkish Ministry of Trade ("Ministry") published on 19 January 2019 a communiqué reminding the relevant domestic industries that they can apply for the initiation of an expiry review investigation with regard to trade remedy measures whose expiry date is approaching.

Turkey's Recent Trade Policy Investigations: Some Completed, Others Launched

International Trade | Articles

Turkey's Recent Trade Policy Investigations: Some Completed, Others Launched

The Turkish Ministry of Trade ("Ministry") adopted, by the end of 2018 and in early 2019, several communiqués in the area of trade defence. While some of those communiqués are marking the end of existing investigations, others are initiating new investigations.


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