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Meal Card Companies under the TCA’s Scrutiny: From Full-Functionality to Collusion

Competition Law | Articles

Meal Card Companies under the TCA’s Scrutiny: From Full-Functionality to Collusion

In April 2019, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) released its reasoned decision, as a result of its full-fledged investigation concerning the practices of the companies that operate in the “meal card services” sector.

State-Owned Turkish Bank was under the Scrutiny of the Turkish Data Protection Authority

Data Protection | Articles

State-Owned Turkish Bank was under the Scrutiny of the Turkish Data Protection Authority

The Turkish Data Protection Authority ("DPA") on 27.05.2019 published through its website a summary of its decision concerning a Turkish state-owned bank, T.C. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş. ("Bank"). This is the third time the DPA has published a decision, in which a public institution is investigated, and the first time the DPA has revealed the name of the concerned public institution.

TCA's "Meal Card" Decision

Competition Law | Articles

TCA's "Meal Card" Decision

On 15.04.2019, the Turkish Competition Authority ("TCA") published its reasoned decision whereby it imposed administrative fines totalling to approximately TRY 8 million (EUR 1,2 million) against Sodexo and Edenred (two leading undertakings in the market for meal card services market1 in Turkey)

5th Day of TEİD Academy's 5th Term

Competition Law | News

5th Day of TEİD Academy's 5th Term

On 5th day of TEİD Academy's 5th term, our managing partner, Bahadır Balkı lectured on "Management of Leniency Process in Competition Law".

5th day of TEİD Academy's 5th term

Competition Law | News

5th day of TEİD Academy's 5th term

On 5th day of TEİD Academy's 5th term, our managing partner, Fevzi Toksoy lectured on "Main Concepts of Competition Law-Public and Private Sector Tenders and Determination of Competition Law based Non-Compliant Issues"

Resale Price Maintenance in Turkey in Light of the Most Recent Case Law

Competition Law | Articles

Resale Price Maintenance in Turkey in Light of the Most Recent Case Law

By the end of the first quarter of 2019, the Turkish Competition Authority ("TCA") consecutively published two reasoned decisions on resale price maintenance ("RPM") focusing on the practices carried out by Türk Henkel Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. ("Henkel") and Sony Eurasia Pazarlama A.Ş.'s ("Sony").

Young ISTAC seminar

Competition Law | News

Young ISTAC seminar

Baran Can Yildirim gave a speech on “Competition Law and Arbitration” at the Young ISTAC seminar, on 21.03.2019 where he discussed the arbitrability of the competition law disputes and parallel proceedings.

May Wrong Interpretation of SHA Clauses Constitute Misleading Information?

Competition Law | Articles

May Wrong Interpretation of SHA Clauses Constitute Misleading Information?

The Turkish Competition Authority ("TCA") has cleared a transaction concerning the creation of a joint venture between "Jacobs Turkey" and Turkish tea producer "Of Çaysan" through its decision dated 17.10.2018 and numbered 18-39/632-307.

TCA’s Final Decision on the Investigation Regarding Poultry Sector

Competition Law | Articles

TCA’s Final Decision on the Investigation Regarding Poultry Sector

The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) has concluded its full-fledged investigation regarding a total of 20 undertakings operating in the poultry sector.

USA to Denounce Turkey's Eligibility to GSP Beneficiary

International Trade | Articles

USA to Denounce Turkey's Eligibility to GSP Beneficiary

The U.S. Trade Representative's Office ("US Trade Office") made an official statement on 04.03.2019 with respect to USA's intention to end Turkey's designation as a beneficiary developing country under the Generalized System of Preferences ("GSP") program.

Recent Trade Remedy Investigation in Turkey – Cooperating Parties' Victory

International Trade | Articles

Recent Trade Remedy Investigation in Turkey – Cooperating Parties' Victory

On 9 March 2019, the Turkish Ministry of Trade ("Ministry") announced its final decision regarding the anti-circumvention investigation that had been initiated concerning imports of certain articulated link chain and parts thereof.

TCA to Shape the Future of Multi-Play Services in Telecommunication Industry [TTNET]

Competition Law | Articles

TCA to Shape the Future of Multi-Play Services in Telecommunication Industry [TTNET]

On 21 December 2018, Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) published its decision regarding the investigation conducted against TTNET A.Ş. (“TTNET”), the leading internet service provider in Turkey, which is vertically integrated with the incumbent wholesale broadband access provider, Turk Telekom.


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