Competition Law | Articles
The Turkish Competition Authority fines a leading online platform €3.8M for abuse of dominant position through the restriction of data portability and enforcement of exclusive practices (Sahibinden)
The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) has issued a reasoned decision in a significant case related to Sahibinden Bilgi Teknolojileri Pazarlama ve Ticaret AŞ (“Sahibinden”), finding that the company abused its dominant position in the online platform services markets for (i) the real estate sale/renting activities of corporate members and (ii) the vehicle sales activities of corporate members. [1]
The investigation revealed that Sahibinden restricted data portability, enforced both de facto and contractual exclusivity, and complicated its competitors’ activities, resulting in a fine of approximately EUR 3.8 million [2] and a set of remedies to address its anti-competitive practices.